A nursery in East Lancashire has been rated as 'Good' in its first full Ofsted inspection since 2018.

Staff at Lynwood Nursery in Nelson have "created a homely setting that is a happy place for children", according to Ofsted inspectors.

The Ofsted report stated "toddlers smile on arrival as their key people greet them" at the nursery on Hibson Road.

In its first inspection since the Covid-19 pandemic, the report also stated "older children hug their friends as they arrive, and staff support children's emotional well-being well".

Previous ratings for the nursery were listed as 'Good', with 'Personal development, behaviour and welfare' rated 'Outstanding' in 2018.

The report, which followed the inspection on March 13, said: "The curriculum intent is ambitious and aims to build on what children already know. Staff know the children well.

"They plan exciting learning experiences to support children's next steps. These link to children's individual interests. As a result, all children are starting to show positive attitudes towards their learning.

"Children engage in a good mix of adult and child-led activities. On the whole, the quality of learning is good. Staff use their knowledge of the children to support and enhance their thinking skills."

Lynwood Nursery was registered in 2002 and employs nine members of childcare staff.

Of these, two staff members hold an appropriate early years qualification at level five, and seven hold qualifications at level three.

The nursery opens from 7.30am until 5.45pm, Monday until Friday, for 49 weeks of the year except bank holidays.

To improve further, inspectors said adult-led circle time activities should be held in smaller groups to keep children engaged and focused.

It said: "On the whole, the quality of learning is good. Staff use their knowledge of the children to support and enhance their thinking skills.

"However, some adult-led circle time activities do not meet the needs of all children due to the size of the group. As a result, some children become distracted."